Friday, May 13, 2016

Call to Serve: Military Knit Patterns

I am proud to announce the release of my new booklet: Call to Serve: Military Knit Patterns for Dishcloths, Pillows or Afghans. This is available now on the Amazon Kindle or the Kindle App for IOS or Android.
These were my free patterns for a time, but have now been combined into a booklet, for a small fee, all in one place.

You can get this booklet on Amazon here:
If you are outside the US please click here for your own copy:

Never Fear, I will still be placing free patterns here as well occasionally, but first I have six more booklets I am finishing up!

Remember, you can ALWAYS contact me by email for suggestions, help or if you have any ideas for new patterns!

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Please Do Not post my patterns elsewhere on the internet, free or otherwise, without permission. Do Not sell electronic copies or hard copies of my patterns. The rights to all the patterns, recipes, personal images poems and stories on this site are owned by RaAnn Clegg unless otherwise tated.

Wicket Stitch is copyrighted 2007 - 2010 by RaAnn Clegg. All Rights Reserved.